ACRA Tchad - Country platform
The project is aimed at strengthening grass roots Civil Society Organisations active in the support of women victims of abuse and violence in Tchad. In this context DINO wil be used as a platform to monitor project indicators which will be measured from the data collected during the execution of the activities. Such data range from the number of training and community meetings organised by the CSOs, the number of participants, to the specific follow-up of single cases followed by the CSOs. DINO will also allow to manage a sub-granting component of the project, where part of the overall budget is managed by the local CSOs after a selection process announced by a Request For Proposals (RFP) that will be evaluated by a commission. All data regarding the 200 CSOs, their proposals, the evaluation process and the auditing and monitoring of the CSOs along the project duration, all these data will be managed through a verticalization of DINO.